Knowledge-Machine Convergence Based on a Quasi-Physical Appro ...

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An important feature of the World 4.0 is the integration of machines and human knowledge, that is, of the physical and quasi-physical effects of conscious activity. Mutual adaptation of computers and human knowledge is constantly going on in a spontaneous empirical–heuristic process. Some of the results of this process are computer software and databases. A significant problem is how to achieve their optimization through understanding, formalization, and unification. The most important condition required to solve this is the assimilation of machines and human knowledge. This assimilation is achieved through the convergence of conscious activity in various fields and at different stages of development, which is possible via innovative development, with the unity of cognition and economy. Convergence is possible because both physical and sign bodies are embodied forms of consciousness, despite the fact that sign bodies consist of signifier and signified parts, between which there are no connections but only correspondence.