Interactive Product Packaging

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Product packaging has six functions: containment, security, protection, convenience, information, and marketing, according to DuPuis and Silvia (2008). Two out of six functions of packaging, information and marketing, involve the communication of information between the customers/users and the manufacturers. Conventionally, the communication has been a one way process where manufacturers design and display the information on packages for the customers/users to retrieve. If there are questions, especially related to the particular customer’s individual situation or needs, people have to seek further assistance outside of the packaging. However, with the advancement and availability of many new digital technologies, especially in wireless communication, a new era of interactive product packaging is on the horizon. The interactive product packaging system should be able to facilitate two-way communication between customers and marketers on both general and individually-specific information. The system will assist consumers to make the most appropriate purchase decisions by reducing the confusion and uncertainty during the selection process. This paper will start with the history of product packaging and point out the trend towards an interactive product information communication system on packaging. The study uses nutrition labeling on food packaging as an example to illustrate the feasibility of future interactive packaging design. The trend provides industrial designers a new platform to create products that are more user-centered and user-friendly.