Incorporating Sociocultural Dimensions in Assessing Building Performance

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  • Title: Incorporating Sociocultural Dimensions in Assessing Building Performance: Comparative Study for Public Library Buildings
  • Author(s): Eman Sabry Abowardah , Mustafa Ramadan
  • Publisher: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Collection: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Series: Common Ground Open
  • Journal Title: The International Journal of Design Education
  • Keywords: Sociocultural Dimensions, Public Libraries, Cultural Identity, Social Interaction, Building Performance Evaluation, User Satisfaction
  • Volume: 15
  • Issue: 1
  • Date: August 06, 2020
  • ISSN: 2325-128X (Print)
  • ISSN: 2325-1298 (Online)
  • DOI:
  • Citation: Abowardah, Eman Sabry Sabry, and Mustafa Ramadan. 2020. "Incorporating Sociocultural Dimensions in Assessing Building Performance: Comparative Study for Public Library Buildings." The International Journal of Design Education 15 (1): 17-42. doi:10.18848/2325-128X/CGP/v15i01/17-42.
  • Extent: 26 pages

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Evaluating the performance of public libraries is mainly affected by user satisfaction and how building features fulfil user needs. Thus, user satisfaction is considered the most important indicator for the success of a public library. Most previous studies that have discussed the assessment of public library performance relied mainly on assessing the functionality, construction aspects, technical aspects, and aesthetic qualities. They did not take into consideration factors such as evaluating the reflection for the sociocultural values of the built environment. Gradually, this has resulted in the production of buildings out of the social context, especially in the Arabian region. The study raises one main question: to investigate whether the integration of sociocultural dimensions in public library design affects both the assessment of the building performance and user satisfaction level. Therefore, to answer the research question, this study aims to discuss the effect of considering the sociocultural dimensions on post-occupancy evaluation (POE) and user satisfaction in public library buildings. To achieve this goal, the study implements two research methods. First, an analytical method is employed through proposing a comprehensive framework for assessing building performance in the context of sociocultural dimensions. This framework is then used to conduct a comparative evaluation on the performance of two public libraries; The Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Alexandria, Egypt) and King Fahd National Library (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia). Second, a quantitative method is employed, through conducting questionnaires with a group of users from the two case studies. Here, user satisfaction levels for both buildings in the context of sociocultural dimensions are compared. The correlation between building quality and the satisfaction level of visitors in the context of sociocultural dimensions was also inspected. The results indicate a high positive correlation between enhancing sociocultural values and building performance evaluation in public library buildings, as integrating the sociocultural values in the design positively affects user satisfaction levels; hence, improving user experience inside the space. Accordingly, the study highlights the importance of considering the sociocultural dimensions on both levels; the design process for public libraries, and to integrate the proposed framework as a vital part in the main framework of the POE of public libraries.