How the Essential Jewish Concept of Education Holds an Essent ...

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One of the key concepts of Judaism and to a lesser extent to Christianity is learning or studying. After presenting the Jewish concept of education and learning, we shall demonstrate how education has a role in improving ethics and providing morality that is lacking not only in the political arena but also in other fields of life. Such a concept is extremely relevant in the political interpretation of Plato whereby politics can gain from spirituality; that is like the philosopher, we link personal morality and public affairs. Hence, morality needs to be strongly inculcated since modern thought tends to de-emphasise moral values. A study of spiritual and wise texts could be provided at school in order to teach the young individual how to grow, how to know oneself and finally how to conquer oneself. All fields whether political science, art, philosophy, culture or media should work in a holistic fashion to provide pedagogy of the interior life.