Hispanic Students’ Perception of Discriminatory Campus Climat ...


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With the increasing number of minority students in the United States, racism is still a problem. A large body of literature has indicated that minority students, especially Hispanics and African Americans, are subject to racial tension, harassment, and discriminatory attitude in white-dominant institutions. However, reports about discriminatory campus climate in racially-mixed institutions are very scarce. There is a need to examine the discriminatory climate in racially-mixed institutions to add to the current body of literature. To fill this gap, the researchers in this study examined the discriminatory campus climate in a Hispanic-serving institution, and they also attempted to study if race was the first controlling factor for such a climate. This was a quantitative descriptive study, and the researchers utilized a survey to collect Hispanic students’ perception of their campus climate. Descriptive statistics were used to present the results of the survey and draw conclusions. The results of this study indicated that race was the highest factor upon which discrimination was based on campus.