Flexible Process Frameworks for the Evaluation of Relative Su ...

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The development of flexible process frameworks to aid in the evaluation of relative sustainability in water management decisions is described. A novel approach is taken that encourages cross-sectoral and community communication whilst allowing the input of ‘hard’ engineering and ‘soft’ socio-cultural perspectives. The aim of the frameworks is to support decision-making to enable participation and knowledge exchange between the range of actors and stakeholders involved in the creation of new housing developments. The extant knowledge flows and decision making processes of stakeholders have been examined in order to identify pragmatic means of incorporation of social, technical, environmental and economic perspectives within them. Metrics for sustainability evaluation have been developed in conjunction with over 30 researchers working on innovative water technologies, social science, planning and health. The frameworks comprise an accessible, stand-alone sustainability evaluation tool, a document library with recommended computer and actor based techniques and tools and a web-based ‘portal’ that accesses the output of the wider research consortium. The work will allow access for the end-user to transparent, relevant and pragmatic decision support tools and processes that aim to break down the barriers to implementation of more sustainable decision making in practice.