Exploring the Impact of Metaphors in Product Design

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In the creative process of design, sources of inspiration can be drawn from nature, including visuals, concepts, or functionalities. Metaphors can be employed to concretize visual and functional data in shaping the form of a product. When metaphors are utilized for conveying ideas, they can serve as potent tools for designers in the development of new products. Using analogies in design, designers can integrate various cultural, traditional, and belief-related structures, thereby contributing to forming a product’s design. In reviewing product design examples inspired by metaphors found in the literature, it is possible to observe numerous instances where visual or functional aspects mimic nature. However, there needs to be more research in the literature regarding the use of metaphors in the context of beliefs. This research specifically focuses on industrial products designed by drawing inspiration from a particular belief system, Sufism, which can also be described as the mystical expression of the Islamic faith. Products designed and produced in Turkey, influenced by Sufi beliefs, are metaphorically discussed. In this field study, four selected product examples and their narratives are presented comparatively to the participants.