Exploring Scientific Education Across the Globe

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Understanding oneself, others, and our interconnectedness in a truly global society can be somewhat difficult. Community-based education allows for the exploration of this phenomenon. Within the United States teacher education programs normally have incorporated community-based learning through placing students in local schools. However, how might an individual’s global perspective on science education and society change if that community is within another culture? This paper will discuss one such model that allows students to enhance their critical thinking skills through reflecting, synthesizing, and analyzing their experience abroad in a rural school setting. They will learn first-hand how environmental and science education is being implemented in a developing nation such as Costa Rica or Ghana. The model itself can be adapted for the particular culture and location. This model is applicable for all students, not just teacher candidates. Everyone can benefit from a more global awareness of different cultures and how those cultures address environmental education. In addition, students will wrestle with specific questions that allow them to consider their place in a scientific society.