Exploring Ethno-Religious Identity

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This article will explore the propensity of interpersonal communication in developing and maintaining Malay Muslims culture and identity. The research was conducted among Malaysian post-graduate students in Western Australia. Firstly, I will look into the importance of ethno-religious identity among the Malay student’s in relation to their current culture and practice. I will then examine how the Malay is reworking their identity in their daily encounter which then contributes to the alteration of their daily culture and practice in Australia. I then will consider how interpersonal communication aspect facilitates in these transitions. Hence, I will attempt to discuss the relationship between idea of situational and symbolic community in determining their ethno-religious identity in foreign land with respect to their ethno-religious identity. Finally, I will focus on how Malay students transform their culture and practice in different environment and contemplate on identifying the significance of this transition among the Malay student’s in Australia amidst returning to their own country upon completion of their study.