Evaluative Study of Community Public Partnership Schools Desi ...

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The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of Community Public Partnership (CPP) schools run by the non-governmental organizations (NGOs)and individuals in the province of Punjab in Pakistan. The study was descriptive (survey) in nature. It was delimited to Girls Community Public Partnership (CPP) Schools of Punjab province. The sample of the study comprised of 50 principals, 350 teachers, 1250 students, 25 Officers of education department and 50 head of the NGOs. A mixed-method research design was used that includes: review of the documents, questionnaires for principals, teachers and students and interview protocol for Education officers and Head of the NGOs. The findings of the study revealed that objectives of the scheme were well conceived and schools have achieved the objectives; principals and teachers are qualified; most of schools are performing very well; some of the NGOs are running into financial deficit; students are satisfied with their study at these schools; some NGOs are facing some problems. It means that these schools has a bright future, therefore, it is recommended that this scheme should be strengthened and promoted and government should have a well directed and clear policy on private-public partnership. Private sector be involved in identifying and designing educational projects and trust should be developed between government and civil society organizations so that they invest into education confidently.