Environmental Educommunication and Ecology of Knowledge in th ...

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In the so-called “Mosaico Bocaina” region, a territory of high vulnerability in Brazil, the Observatory of Sustainable and Healthy Territories of Bocaina (OSHT), a partnership between the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), the National Health Foundation (FUNASA), and the Forum of Traditional Communities (FCT) works in the development of social technologies and participatory alternatives that promote equity and respond to the needs of the territory while considering local context and traditional knowledge. Using Praia do Sono, a community in Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, as a territorial unit, a pilot environmental education project focused on ecological sanitation was developed based on the principles of the ecology of knowledge and Environmental Educommunication. The educational process was developed entirely with local agents of the community and changed following the interaction with students. A qualitative methodology (participant observation) was used, and an interpretative analysis was carried out. This paper introduces and analyzes the class plan developed and the creation of a teaching-learning strategy promoting different forms of knowledge of participants, especially students, and evaluating the consequences of the education actions carried out.