Egyptian Youth and Economic Responsibility: Opportunities and Challenges

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The study aims at identifying the attitudes of the youths towards their economic responsibility and their planning for their future careers. It is intended to help them encounter the challenges of the global capitalist system and its impact on available opportunities in the labor market. The study is based on the social survey method applied to a sample of 142 youths from 11 governmental universities representing the rural and urban sectors of the Egyptian society. It also uses the comparative method in data display and analysis on the basis of class differences and rural/urban differences, through the SPSS program. The data were collected by means of a questionnaire and attitudes scale. In explaining the findings, the study depends on the “world system” perspective and the “human capital”. The field study has disclosed two dimensions that are responsible for either encouraging the youths in the labor market or preventing them from undertaking their economic responsibilities; the available opportunities, and the challenges as well as risks. The findings show the young people’s awareness of the free labor market mechanisms. In addition, the findings show the young people’s choice of two types of enterprises; a national productive type and a western consumptive one.