Effects of Caffeine Consumption on Endurance Exercise

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Endurance athletes consume caffeine, in various forms, due to the potential performance effects. Regulatory sports organizations provide recommendations and regulations for caffeine use among athletes. However, inconsistent and limited data is available on caffeine as a sports performance enhancer. Therefore, the purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate the effects of caffeine consumption on athletic performance during endurance exercise. Articles were extracted from three databases: PubMed, CINAHL, and PsycINFO. An eight-point inclusion criterion was applied to aid in the extraction of articles. The quality of articles was assessed using the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Evidence Analysis Manual. A total of 169 articles were initially identified and seven articles met the inclusion criterion. All seven studies reported improvement in at least one measure of endurance exercise when participants consumed 3–6 mg/kg of caffeine prior to exercise. The most commonly reported measures of endurance exercise were time trial performance and ratings of perceived exertion. Though further research is needed, the evidence supports caffeine consumption prior to exercise as an effective strategy to improve several aspects of endurance performance.