Disclosing the Left’s “Regressive Dilemmas”

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This paper draws attention to the significance of the ideological nature of past depictions of globalisation, connecting a flawed understanding to the problems faced by many of today’s social democratic parties. A particular approach to ideology is proffered, and a method known as depth hermeneutics applied to demonstrate the embedded nature of the process as a social phenomenon made real by the active and ongoing interpretations of situated actors. The understanding of globalisation held by the New Labour government (1997 to 2010) is examined to illustrate the merits of the depth hermeneutic approach. The paper re-interprets their understanding, and in the process discloses a “regressive dilemma” that today’s party will have to confront if it is to remain faithful to certain core values and should it also wish to curtail a general augmenting of future populist sentiments.