Diorama on Architecture Photography

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This article is the result of a reflection on the CGWorkshop Presentation: “Diorama on Architecture Photography: Finding Punctumland,” held at the Fifth International Conference on the Image. The workshop was structured by the authors of this article, both of them coordinators of an image museum, with educational purposes and an archive with a photographic fund. A museum, with a rhythm marked by the presentation of facts, stories, and tales belonging to the past, places itself in the viewers’ hands, making them central agents of its life and breathe. The Educational Service does not wish to present solutions or answers to the issues raised. Yet, it hopes to make evident the issue of seeing. Consequentially, it selects the construction of a visualization device that sets the gaze toward a certain issue-concerning image. In that sense, the workshop proposes a practice that is the result of a re-creation of photographic images through composition. It effectively proposes the creation of an intermediate object, between scientific research and both educational and artistic practices.