Development of an e-Learning Module Integrating Systems Think ...

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Climate change is an issue that concerns all countries, but surveys report that only a fraction of Filipinos are well-informed about it. Building climate science literacy is vital for citizens to understand the impacts of climate change and develop solutions to mitigate climate change and adapt to its effects. Making connections between human actions and their effects on climate change is included in the learning competencies of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Systems thinking is an approach that emphasizes understanding the relationships and feedback among variables in a system. Given the inherent interconnections of the Earth system, it becomes critical to integrate systems thinking into comprehending climate science and managing climate change. This research study utilized a descriptive research design, with the objective of developing an e-learning module for climate change with the integration of systems thinking. Five experts validated the e-learning module: one each in the field of Earth and environmental science; science education; systems thinking; language, grammar, and style; and information technology. Descriptive statistics were used to identify the level of acceptability of the e-learning module. The results showed that the module can be used teach climate change topics to junior high school students in the Philippines.