Design Patterns and Knowledge Dissemination in Environmental Design Research

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This paper attempts to describe the value of design patterns in environmental design research. Using a knowledge management model, the role and function of design patterns in environment design and its implications to other professions are examined. The paper demonstrates that design patterns allow for a cross-disciplinary interface accommodating a variety of functions (critical, normative and pragmatic), and combinations of knowledge dissemination (explicit and tacit). Hence, design patterns have been used in environmental design research in various forms such as design guidelines, programming, post occupancy evaluation among others. Based on these applications, one can create a taxonomy of design patterns: (i) dagnostic patterns (application of patterns as a diagnostic tool in architectural settings)(ii) prescriptive patterns (application of patterns as design guidelines) and (iii) patterns-in-use (application of patterns to inform the process of design). This taxonomy can become an useful model in mapping the effectiveness of knowledge dissemination in design and other professions.