Culture, Lifestyle and Diabetes in Indonesia


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Diabetes is an increasing concern worldwide, including in developing countries such as Indonesia. It has often been suggested that the rise in this condition is associated with a “westernization” of behavior in developing societies as well as social change that is tending away from traditional lifestyles. In many cases, however, the nature and extent of such behavior change, as well as the segment of the population likely to be affected, is unclear. In Indonesia, for example, there is evidence that certain aspects of traditional behavior and food preferences are, in fact, likely to increase risk for diabetes, suggesting that factors such as increased life expectancy and increased standard of living are more significant in the rise in this illness than the adoption of an outside way of life. This paper will discuss the relationship of traditional behavior and food preferences in the context of recent social and economic change to rising incidence of diabetes in Indonesia. Specifically, the situation in the province of West Sumatra will be considered as a case study of social change and cultural context in relation to diabetes.