Culture as a Value in Urban Landscape Identity

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Cultural identity is strongly associated with the ways of which people interact with their landscape. Landscape is a place and a concept which insiders the disciplines met, collide and increasing, interact and all of them will be valued in multiply ways by those people who are closely associated with them. It is important that those making decisions affecting landscapes are aware of the potential nature and range of cultural values, particularly where these values are not accounted for using standardized landscape assessment techniques. Traditional landscape design assessment methods which focus on discipline-specific typologies may fall short of revealing the richness and diversity of cultural values in landscape held by insiders. Today cultural landscape design changes are prominent in suburban areas. This article describes the landscape development of the Cultural Values Model in Iran. In this article we want to investigate the role of culture in landscape Architecture especially urban landscapes in Iran and in this way a case study of landscape Architecture in Iran will be discussed to show how landscape can make cultural identity.