Cultural Dimension of Workplace Diversity in Ibadan Nigeria

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This study investigated the cultural dimension of workplace diversity in Ibadan, Nigeria in order to ascertain the implications of cultural dimension of workplace diversity on employees, and their performances in multicultural work organizations. Data for the study was generated through a multi-stage sampling technique, with a questionnaire administered to 250 participants randomly selected from selected work organizations in Ibadan, Nigeria. Out of 250 respondents, 238 turned in their completed questionnaires (male = 151, female = 87, mean = 2.89, standard deviation = 1.15). A 20-item questionnaire was developed by the researcher, and was tested on a 5 point Likert–type scale that ranges from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). The hypotheses generated for the study were tested at 0.05 alpha levels using a chi-square statistical method. The findings from the study revealed that a significant relationship exists between cultural diversity and employees’ job performances, and the overall organizational performance. The finding further showed that although majority of the employees often perceived themselves as different from others due to the differences in their cultural orientations, there is no significant relationship between the way employees perceive themselves and their job performance. Based on the findings from the study, it was recommended that employers and all stake holders in human resource management, in today’s multicultural business community, should not only be aware of the cultural diversity among employees, but must also ensure effective workforce diversity management principles that best fit into their work organizations so as to harness the rich benefits of cultural diversity for the good of the organizations they serve. Crosscultural education that could bring employees in contact with other cultures represented at the workplace should be introduced to promote cooperation, effective communication and harmonious work relationships among employees.