Continuity, Complexity, and Change

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  • Title: Continuity, Complexity, and Change: Teacher Education in Mauritius
  • Editor(s): Michael Samuel, Hyleen Mariaye
  • Publisher: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Collection: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Series: The Learner
  • Keywords: Teacher Education, Teacher Educator, Small Island States, International Collaborations, Postcolonial Higher Education, Narrative Methodology
  • Date: February 21, 2016
  • ISBN (pbk): 9781612298207
  • ISBN (pdf): 9781612298214
  • DOI:
  • Citation: Samuel, Michael, and Hyleen Mariaye, eds. 2016. Continuity, Complexity, and Change: Teacher Education in Mauritius. Champaign, IL: Common Ground Research Networks. doi:10.18848/9781612298214/CGP.
  • Extent: 206 pages

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Continuity, Complexity, and Change: Teacher Education in Mauritius will appeal to audiences with varied interests: those with concern for the ways in which higher education is evolving in the face of global forces; others with a keen eye for how narrative methodology is developing in contexts different from what is dominant in the current literature; and, perhaps, even more to those who are interested in what influences the direction and outcomes of collaborative institutional ventures. It is about the complex choices professionals in education make to reconcile the conflicting demands of continuity and change at the personal, institutional, and systemic levels. The book capitalizes on the narratives of twelve participants as they navigate their professional journeys, drawing on the thickness of their experience to ask critical questions about how teacher educators construct themselves in the face of the multiple challenges which have come to characterize the world of higher education. At the heart of this work sits a desire for a re-articulation of the nature of what it means to teach teachers, for self-understanding, and for the reclaiming of agency institutionally and individually. As states increasingly capitulate to the agenda of corporate managerialism, this book paints a complex canvas of voices emerging from the past, the present, and the future possibilities for collective and creative reconstruction in higher education.