Collaborative Learning and Self-assessment through Reflective Writing

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Collaborative learning is a teaching strategy that imparts important life skills to students; however, students need to understand the greater goals of collaborative learning and their role in a group. Otherwise there is the danger that the collaboration process will not be purposeful. The main question of this paper is: How can self-assessment through reflective writing support educators in implementing purposeful collaborative learning? Participants were 22 students in a Grade 6 mathematics class in Toronto. During two separate classes students were put into collaborative learning situations, and afterward given one of two different sets of journal questions to answer anonymously. The questions were of two separate natures. Set “A” asked about feelings and experiences during the collaborative learning assignment. Set “B” contained questions intended to stimulate thought about collaborative learning. I discovered that set “A” was effective in eliciting responses about what was learned in the group, but was not as effective at prompting students to be cognizant of their role in a group. Set “B” was more effective at prompting students to be more cognizant of their role in a group. This study discovered that through specific questioning student can become more cognizant of their role in collaborative learning assignments.