Co-Evaluation or "Two are Better than One"

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Evaluation is a form of action research that is committed to creating changes in the evaluaed process through offering applicable recommendations. Co-evaluation is a process that involves two evaluators simultaneously. Each of them is involved in similar areas of the evaluation process and both are in direct contact with the clients. Since co-evaluation involves similar activities, it might be considered uneconomical. It seems that we may ask "why should co-evaluation be practiced at all? In order to address this question, we will relate to two major issues: 1. The postmodern situation: For several decades Western society has been undergoing a series of processes that are changing it from top to bottom. Thes eprocesses are generally referred to as "the postmodern revolution". Some of the characteristic of the postmodern revolution are: legitimacy of multiple perspectives, multiple criteria for assessment and evaluation and the absence of a prior agreed upon hierarchy of these criteria, relativity of the perception of reality and legitimacy of multiple narratives, absence of macro-ideologies and so forth. These characteristics present major difficulties for evaluators who are asked to state the value of the evaluated actions. Co-evaluation can help one to overcome some of these difficulties by the way of presenting two perspectives during the evaluation process, which contributes to the validity of both findings and recommendations. 2. Participatory approaches in Evaluation: Participatory evaluation is an approach that stresses the partnership between the evaluator and the client in the evaluation process. Participatory evaluation involves constant dialogue during various stages of the evaluation. This dialogue helps to present a rich and relevant picture that will help the client to implement the findings and recommendations of the evaluation. Co-evaluation, which is by nature a participatory process, serves as modeling for the client.