Can Single Mothers and their Infants Benefit from Maternity L ...

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The first weeks of a child’s life are crucial for the process of establishing positive mother-child interactions and secure attachments. This process is supported by the opportunity for a mother to spend time with a newborn child away from work. In the United States length of maternity leaves vary widely, because of the absence of a universal paid maternity leave policy. This study compared the effects of length of maternity leave on mother-child interactions and on attachment among single and married mothers in the United States. Using path analysis, this study found that longer maternity leaves resulted in higher quality of mother-child interactions and attachment security for married mothers. Yet, single mothers and their infants were not able to benefit in the same ways from length of maternity leaves. This study discusses the limitations in the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in the United States and the need for expansions to the policy, so that all mothers and children can benefit from maternity leaves