Bottom-up Mitigation of Global Climate Change

C12 1

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The talk will be based on a new online/offline game/simulation (Intelligent Energy Choices (IEC)) that was designed to provide educators at high schools and college levels and engage general public with an interactive, interesting, tool that allows users to “control” their countries and by doing so, control the fate of the world. The conclusion from playing and observing IEC is that Millenium goals can be satisfied while the countries that they rule and the World at large prosper. IEC is an agent-based simulation/game in which the world’s twenty-five most populous countries are represented either by autonomous agents (simulation) or players. IEC is focused on energy use and climate change and their global and national impact on climate and prosperity. The algorithm is based on choice between purchasing the lowest cost energy sources and Cap and Trade mechanism in which global emissions are regulated to constantly decline, and the price of a “unit” of carbon dioxide is collectively adjustable. The reference year is taken as 2003 so data are available for comparing the bottom-up results of the world controlled by the players and the top-down recent data.