Attractive Souvenirs

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The development of cultural tourism, globalization, and localization makes souvenirs very important to promote cultural tourism and the identity of a tourist area and even a country. Souvenirs that have the essence of being intangible memories, abstract ideas about place attachment, pleasant holiday experiences, and social connectedness require the role of design for souvenir production so that they create value. This research uses IDEO’s Design Thinking steps, with the first step (initial survey) in the define stage. The second step is the explore stage (ideate and prototype), and the tabulation and final survey steps are the trial stage (materialize). The value of souvenir products is associated with commodification efforts that will also affect the economic conditions of the local community. This research was undertaken from the perspective of visual communication design entrepreneurship and explores how design-based products and commodity values influence each other in the context of souvenir products. The study finds that price is a sensitive thing that affects the attractiveness of the product. However, the unique, authentic souvenir design idea is more tempting to consumers, so they finally decide to buy it. Souvenirs, which are memory storage products that can be traded, are one of the links in the tourism chain, so their existence will affect the local community’s economy.