An Examination of the Validity of the Sex-Role Egalitarianism ...

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The Sex-Role Egalitarianism Scale (SRES) is an instrument that measures individuals’ attitudes toward the equality of men and women and contains items that require judgments about both women and men assuming traditional and non-traditional roles.The abbreviated version of SRES, SRES BB, was translated in Greek and administered in Greece as part of the Pythagoras II project; a co-funded project by the European Union and the Greek Ministry of Education and Religion Affairs. The dimensionality of SRES BB in the Greek cultural context was assessed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. In particular, the efficacy of three models (a one-factor model, a two-factor model and a five-factor model) was tested using confirmatory factor analysis. A hypothesized two-factor, first-order model was deemed most appropriate for SRES BB instead of its original one-factor, first-order model. The two factors were named as Intimate Relationship Egalitarianism and Formal Contact Egalitarianism. This finding allows researchers to use SRES BB for different analytic purposes as it enables them to distinguish whether individuals respond differently to gender issues related to private or public activities.