An Evaluation of the Factor Structure and Reliability of the ...

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The current study empirically investigated the factor structure and reliability of the Diversity Perceptions Scale (DPS) in an Australian public sector context. A total of 391 employees completed the questionnaire. Factor structure was determined using principal components analysis with Varimax rotation and internal consistency was estimated by calculating α reliability coefficients. Factor analytic procedures revealed that DPS is a multidimensional scale measuring four distinct facets (personal value of diversity, personal comfort with diversity, organizational fairness, and organizational inclusion) of one construct, perceived diversity climate, suggesting that the emerged factors are consistent with the a priori factor structure. Reliability analysis, however, revealed that, with the exception of organizational fairness factor, the scale lacks adequate internal consistency. Potential users of the scale are advised to interpret research outcomes in the light of the deficiencies noted. Further research should look for the possibilities to refine the construct to ensure an adequate coverage, particularly in the Australian context.