Ambrose and “I” Lost in Barth’s Labyrinthine Text House


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The “I” narrator of Barth’s "Lost in the Funhouse Ambrose" is decentered to several selves from Freud, Kriteva, and Lacan’s point of view where the voice of Ambrose is no longer a recognized, identifiable voice. The voice of “I,” who is just a cover up for Ambrose and Barth, is then released to produce narrations based on the dominant voices and at the same time the fragile voices and seemingly is accountable to do the act of writing. While having a slippery identity, he enters the vast space of narrative which again is another world of intertexts. The texts claim no originality or uniqueness, and continue to be told and retold by the “I” who is lost in the cosmos of texts. Therefore, there is no firm ground to come up with a Transcendental Signified.