Action Research: A Pedagogic tool to Prepare Reflective Practitioners

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There are complex philosophical and pragmatic dilemmas and criticisms against initial teacher preparation programs especially those offered by the university. An analysis of historical background of emergence of schools and teacher education in India shows how colonial hegemony resulted in lowering the status of teachers, which continues to be so and teacher education is still rooted in archaic strictures. Situating action research in praxis it is contended that preparing teachers to undertake action research would lead them to realize the aim of education as development of critical thinking and social transformation. The processes of inclusion of action research in the four year professional teacher preparation program are highlighted. Drawing upon her experience of being a teacher educator as well as interactions with students and alumni along with getting questionnaire from alumni, author seeks to look at the possibility of action research as a pedagogic tool in initial teacher preparation. Preparing teachers to undertake research is based on the vision of Teacher as Reflective Practitioner; by looking at teachers as “producers” of knowledge it challenges hierarchical view of knowledge and helps to break the isolation of the teacher by giving her a voice which in turn can be instrumental in elevating the status of the teacher in the society.