Acceleration of Maritime Development in Indonesia

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This study aims to uncover maritime development policies in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative methodological approach. The findings are that maritime development policy is a priority of the government, particularly inter-island connectivity, more optimal use of maritime potential, and empowerment of fishermen. However, no innovative programs as a factor that can make Indonesia a great maritime country have been seen. Investment is still minimal, and the quality of human resources and the supporting capacity of technology are still very limited. Communities working in the maritime sector are still in the traditional form, ignoring ecosystems and continuing to exploit the potential of the sea. The blue economy concept is not yet understood and implemented as a creative investment that can create a double profit from any economic activity in the maritime sector. But, the application of blue economy will encourage the economic growth, employment, overcome poverty, and preserve the environment. The institutional system, work programs, and socioeconomic orientation between the government and the community at the local level greatly differ.