Academic Culture and Educational Standards

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This study analyzes some basic aspects (academic culture, educational standards, and effectiveness of learning) of contemporary education influenced by the wide usage of computers and the Internet. It investigates how speculations on “learning with technology” might negatively impact the quality of education if both the administrative and technical support staffs are not populated by professional specialists. The reasons for these speculations are different goals of “business oriented” institutions focusing on immediate profit and of institutions oriented on long term goals. Other attempts are made either to force academic staff to use technology or to substitute a professional educator with an unprofessional representative of “digital generation”, attempts to operate with the extensive characteristics of education quality rather than with intensive ones; attempts to setup local educational “standards” adjusted to the level of competence of the bureaucratic staff not matching the national or international standards. The examples and illustrations are taken from the Internet and from more than 15-years experience in college education.