A Three Tier Learning Model for Universities in Nigeria

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While higher institutions in developed countries have progressed from the adoption of e-learning to mobile learning (m-learning) and presently to ubiquitous learning (u-learning), only few universities in Nigeria have benefited from these technologies. Some factors are responsible for this set back. This study is an assessment of the status and the prospect of e-learning, m-learning and u-learning implementation in Nigeria. The result of this study shows that only about 14% of the universities in Nigeria have adopted e-learning. Issues that confront the local implementation of these technologies have been examined. We therefore, propose a three-tier learning model to address the challenge of the implementation of e-learning, m-learning and u-learning in Nigeria. The proposed model, which is a software architecture process model, comprises of three interacting tiers: the analysis tier, the decision tier and the incremental implementation tier. The generic nature of the model makes it applicable for implementation in environments similar to that of Nigeria. The practical application of the model is the next stage of this research work; it depends on sponsorship from universities in Nigeria.