A Study on the Visual Perception of Children Attending the Fi ...

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This study aims to study the visual perceptions of first graders and determine whether these perceptions are influenced by socioeconomic level, gender, parental educational background and attending a preschool institution. Participants were a total of 226 volunteering children with no disabilities, 107 of whom were attending two lower socio-economic level elementary schools and 119 of whom were attending two upper socio-economic level elementary schools. Characteristics of the children and their parents were gathered by the “General Information Form” designed by the researchers, and visual perceptions were determined by Frostig’s “Frostig Visual Perception Test”, which was tested for reliability with 5-year-old children by Sökmen. The Frostig Visual Perception Test consists of five subtests: Eye-Motor Coordination, Figure-Ground Distinction, Form Constancy, Position in Space and Spatial Relations. Independent Samples T-Test was used in order to discover whether socioeconomic level, gender and attending a preschool created a difference in the participants’ visual perceptions, and One Way Anova was used to reveal whether parental educational background created a similar difference. The results showed that the variables of socioeconomic level, gender, parental educational background and attending a preschool created a meaningful difference in certain subdimensions of children’s visual perceptions