A Study on the Psychological Characteristics of Members Affec ...

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This study is to identify impact of shock, conflict, fear of adaptation, resistance to innovation, and effect sabotage have on rejection of organizational innovation, thereby identifying the psychological characteristics of workers and suggesting ways and implications for positive organizational innovation. Therefore, the implications of this study are as follows: First, it was shown that shock does not affect innovation resistance and sabotage. Therefore, before pushing forward, the company will need to understand the members through sufficient explanation. Moreover, it is necessary to establish an internal consensus body that can have a sense of community and derive ways for both sides to coexist. Second, conflict has been shown to have a significant impact on innovation resistance, but not on sabotage. Therefore, during the process of organizational innovation, respect between the members, to reduce ignorance and friction, will need to be present. Third, the fear of adaptation has been shown to have a significant impact on innovation resistance, but not on sabotage. Hence, the company should create a system where the subjected will be given an institutional mechanism, enabling them to design a second life as well as carrying out organizational innovation. Fourth, it has been shown that innovation resistance has a significant impact on organizational innovation resistance. Thus, Companies should fully explain how to coexist through innovation rather than the previous operation method so that employees do not feel unconditionally reluctant to innovate their organizations. Finally, sabotage has been shown to have a significant impact on organizational innovation resistance. Therefore, businesses should be more proactive in reviewing ideas that are proposed by members for the right change and innovation of the entity.