A Study of the Life Stories of Teachers of Technology in Secondary Education


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In Spain, many educational reforms have been carried out since 1990 with the enactment of the LOGSE, and their consequences have been felt with particular intensity in secondary education. Since then, reforms have been happening so far without any of them being capable of providing stability, resulting from a precise definition of its nature and objective. Talking about education reforms involves, at times, talk of reform in the relationship between teachers and students. Any change in that relationship will generate a series of experiences, different opinions, or emotions, whose testimony must be attended. The research question or purpose is to highlight the value of the life stories of teachers as sources of scientific information about their work and their views on the profession and its environment. It is a first approach to the narrative biographical research. Knowing and improving educational practice leads us closer to the reality of the classroom, and often that is not possible without the collaboration of those involved in it. Hence, this type of research is increasingly used in education, despite the difficulty of carrying it out. Once exposed, our ultimate purpose is simply to indicate the interest that would carry out a study of teachers' life histories and of technology in secondary education. After two decades of the inclusion of matter in the curriculum at this stage, enough time has passed to talk about a professional culture of teachers in this area and their well-defined professional identities. We believe that it would be interesting to analyze the lives and professional testimonies of these teachers.