A Pilot Study on Caribbean-American Baby Boomers Attitude tow ...


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The immigrant population among baby boomers in the United States compels practitioners to address cultural issues in planning and providing care. One immigrant group that has received little or no attention is Caribbean Americans. Little is known about the cultural values they bring to the aging process, particularly as it relates to their children and filial responsibility. This pilot study uses qualitative techniques to examine the attitude toward aging and expectations from children among a small sample (n=10) of second generation Caribbean-American women living in the United States. Results indicated a mixed sense of the aging process, as well as concerns around the clash of cultures and economic realities of their children, which impacts their expectations. Some themes that evolved as important considerations in the women’s attitudes and expectations included cognitive age, the role caregiver plays in their attitudes, and concern around issues of loss. As a pilot, this study provides important lessons for future research and care for aging Caribbean Americans and other culturally diverse groups living in the United States. Lessons include strategies for recruitment and further inquiry.