A Mystical Path to Oneness

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This article describes a process for interpreting Biblical and other sacred texts as unique personal experiences. This facilitates mystically reliving these allegories often providing experiences of the Divine in union with Self. We call this process experience-based mystical Christianity or A Mystical Path to Oneness. These experiences can catalyze the evolution of personal beliefs – beliefs usually originating from dogma or faith-based cultural and fundamental religious programing. New beliefs can arise from personally experiencing the sacred texts as stories of Self. Gestalt processes and initiations derived from these texts together with the teachings of the Oneness University allowed the authors to personally evolve their own world views from that of duality to that of non-duality or oneness. Basically, allegories from sacred texts, primarily from the Christian Bible are relived in the present tense. This allows one to personally experience a character, such as Jesus, or object, such as the Jordan River, as themselves in the present moment. The outcome of such processes is to experience oneness and an evolution of human consciousness both for the individual and for our world.