A Lost World

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  • Title: A Lost World: The Missed History of Illustration
  • Author(s): Bee Hughes
  • Publisher: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Collection: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Series: The Image
  • Journal Title: The International Journal of the Image
  • Keywords: Illustration, Education, History, Graphic Arts, Commercial Art, Contextual Studies, Art and Design History, Art and Design Research
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 2
  • Date: April 21, 2017
  • ISSN: 2154-8560 (Print)
  • ISSN: 2154-8579 (Online)
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.18848/2154-8560/CGP/v08i02/69-75
  • Citation: Hughes, Bee. 2017. "A Lost World: The Missed History of Illustration." The International Journal of the Image 8 (2): 69-75. doi:10.18848/2154-8560/CGP/v08i02/69-75.
  • Extent: 7 pages

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Illustration is fundamental to our engagement with images. It has either stood in for language or been implicit in the introduction of language for centuries, presenting ideas and communicating stories to both preliterate and literate societies. It must therefore be recognised that illustration has a rich and complex history which has been influenced by events including the printing and publishing revolution, literary movements, religious storytelling, and scientific discovery, while remaining a separate and distinct practice. Rick Poynor states that illustration is widely regarded “as an adjunct of design” leading to the decreasing recognition of its distinct historical lineage by practitioners, educators, and students alike. The result is a practice overwhelmingly attached to the present and immediate future, focused on passing trends with only occasional and selective reference to the practice’s rich cultural and artistic heritage. This is a unique state within the arts or any subject beyond. Wider art and design practices have established and dedicated historical and critical frameworks, yet it is difficult to pinpoint these within illustrative practice and scholarship. This article considers how and why this shift has occurred, discussing methods of inquiry and potential outcomes of the rediscovery and synthesis of the disparate strands of the history of illustration.