A Holistically Sustainable Community with a Neohumanist Society

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Today, human society is in anguish, bleeding from it being subdivided and vivisected, deprived and stifled by dogmatic injunctions. In its dark night of despair and convulsions, who will come forward to give a healing touch? Neo-humanists have the unique opportunity and the capability to administer to it the life-generating potions, for enabling all the people to live in dignity, to fully develop their psychic potentialities, and to facilitate the exalted progress of one another. For a society to be considered progressive, it must be able to provide to its people a reasonable quality-of-life and a reasonable degree of happiness factors. A society that is able to maintain such a progressive state can be labeled as being civilized. When this civilized societal state and development can be maintained in a community we can term this state to be “sustainable development”. Thus, sustainable development implies sustainability in all the above quality-of-life and happiness factors of human living. The terms progressive society and sustainable community are indeed complementary. A holistic concept of sustainability includes cultural, environmental, social and economic sustainability. Also, a progressive society needs to provide scope to its people to progress physically, intellectually and spiritually. Hence, a neo-concept of a sustainable community is that wherein this progressive civilized state (in all the three realms of living) can be sustained. This paper delineates the socioeconomic and political attributes of a sustainable community and the ideals of the neohumanist society of this sustainable community, along with its sustainable economic design analysis.