A Framework for Technology Entrepreneur Development

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Rapid development in technology related business has led to renewed interest in the development of technology entrepreneurs globally. In modern days, high-tech start-ups and technology development firms play an important role in developing and commercializing technologies. Many countries have now recognized entrepreneurship as a possible solution to decrease unemployment rates and to boost the economic growth through entrepreneurs and technology entrepreneur development program. The entrepreneurial potential of graduates has become the national agenda and has attracted the interest of policy makers, educationists and development agencies. Malaysia, through the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC), and Council of Trust for Indigenous People (MARA) has collaborated with Institutions Higher of Learning (IHL) to introduce programs related to IT Entrepreneur development such as National Unipreneur Development Program and Master of Science in Technology Entrepreneurship with the aim to produce world class IT entrepreneurs. However, many graduates from these programs are unable to turn their IT skills and business knowledge into business opportunities. Thus, there is a need to investigate factors influencing effectiveness of technology entrepreneur development program (TEDP). This may be attained through analysis and integration of previous entrepreneur development theories and models. Many previous theories and models on new venture creation (NVC) and entrepreneur development in general have been introduced. However, very few focused on TEDP through graduate training. This study can lead to a framework that may be used to guide the government in developing graduate technology entrepreneurs that could contribute to economic growth and wealth creation.