A Cautionary Tale of a Prisoner Re-entry Initiative

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Within the first couple of years after release from prison in the United States, recidivism rates are highest. Lack of or limited education levels, access to mental health services or substance abuse treatment, and the environment post release are well-documented reasons for recidivism. A grant-funded community-based multidisciplinary post-incarceration pilot program in Southwest Michigan began to assist the returning ex-offenders overcome reintegration barriers to ensure a successful transition to community living. The program design provided wrap around services that included access to counseling, social work navigator services, mentoring, tutoring, and occupational therapy life skills training to selected ex-offenders who chose to enroll. The program provided services for one year. The conclusion of the program occurred at the end of the grant funded period, when at the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic occurred in March 2020, and coincidentally, at the same time the team adjourned due to internal consequences. There are lessons learned in this experience that worked to reduce recidivism and re-incarceration in prison for a one-year period to effectively zero. Programmatically and organizationally, there are also important lessons to share for practice that are universal.