Staci Edwards’s Updates

  • How the Author of Common Sense Uses Rhetoric

    In Common Sense, the author, Thomas Paine, uses persuasive writing to manipulate the emotions of his readers. His writing nearly forces his readers to despise the King and the system of government that is allowing the King to have power over them. H...More

  • Opinions of the Olive Branch Petition Relating to the Opinions of Present Day Critics of the Government

    The Olive Branch Petition was the final attempt to avoid a war between the colonists of America and Britain. The purpose of this petition was to keep the peace between the two of them. The peaceful protests that are taking place in America, regardin...More

  • Cause of the Revolutionary War

    The Proclamation of 1763 was one of the many causes of the Revolutionary War. Because of the conflicts that took place between the Europeans and the Native Americans, the Proclamation of 1763 was enacted to stop Europeans from settling into Native A...More