Imahni Carrington’s Updates

  • Rhetoric of Olive Branch Petition

    In the document of the Olive Branch Petition, the arthor used rhetoric by being respectful in telling their greivances to the king. During this phase of the rebellion, they were still trying to be loyal to the Britsh Crown. They explained how they d...More

  • The States United

    I believe that tha issue that Common Sense was trying to address was that the problem was the English constitution itself. Common Sense was to take the measures away from the specific parliamentary issues. And the issues that Thomas Paine expressesd...More

  • Causes of the Revolutionary War

    *Cause: Tea Act

    With the Tea Act, the colonist were concerned about paying taxes on the bulk of tea that was being brought in. They were already paying taxes on the tea, but they would being paying the taxes on this new load. My educated guess on h...More