Elizabeth Woodburn’s Updates

Week 3 Journal

I really enjoyed this week as we got into analyzing actual health technologies. It's hard to transition into a state of mind that accurately realizes the different challenges that low-resource areas face, especially when we are largely unaware of the challenges faced in our own healthcare system. Most of us go to the doctor and pay a fairly flat rate (between insurance premiums and copays) without having a view into the incremental costs incurred. Perhaps if consumers spent more time analyzing their own payments in such an objective manner as we are attempting to use here, high-resource systems could be more efficient in allocating the resources they have. 

I also have enjoyed reading responses to my own post, even though it's not technically required. When I took CHLH 101, I think we had to comment on other people's posts AND respond to comments on our own (albeit in a more brief manner). I think this would be more beneficial, as we would learn more from being able to more accurately replicate a discussion with our peers. I continue to be highly impressed with the level of analysis they put forth.