Sefihun Derseh’s Updates

Week 2 assignment

1,Country for this assignment: Nigeria

2,Join for WhatsApp group:done

3, Identfy question you want to answer about data flow,data tools, and the performance of country monitoring system

-how is data generated and reported to the next level?

-what are the tools that are used to capture the data at reporting facilities/institusions?

-What indicators used to monitor EPI performances?

Immunization indicators:

Coverage: Penta 3

vaccine utilization rate

dropout rate

vaccine wastage rate

2 because of defferent in  geographic and security issues different LGAs have have disparties in performances at ward(lowest administrative structure)and  health facilities

4 I collected EPI strategic plan document for 2016 to 2020

5, I found Indian MOH and family welfare monthly reporting health facility by state/ district, by facility type,ownership, urban or rural

6, I did DQS in three high,med and low performing facilities in one of the local goverment i am supporting and observed inconsistencies of report by tools across the facilities and between facilities to the LGA and from LGA to state( i couldn't paste the finding

-The country data sources is health facility with standadaized data capturing and reporting tools

-The data generated from health facility and reported to the LGA in the form of hard copy

From LGA to the data intered to the DHIS e-electronics dashboardby M&E officer and accessable allover the country to any one who need it. 

The Immunization officer at LGA enter the Immunization data to the DVD-MT and send the soft copy to the state immunization officer and the state immunization officer compile state immunization data and then send to the country office

Example one Month report: 

7 Quality of the avialble evidence

1, availiability of standaradized data tools across all facilities and LGAs in state

2 availiability of performance monitoring indicators

3, avialability and utilization of both hard copy and softy copy data plateforms

8, data flowof the country

Health facility →LGA →State →Country

9, SWOT Analysis

A, strengeth -

a, availiability of standardized data tools 

b,both soft copy and hardy copy data capturing

c, e-electronic data dash board is accessable to all who need it 

B, Weakness

- inconsistencies of data across different data capturing like DHIS and DVD MT

C, because of avialability data on line, easly accessable for who need it

D Threat

Quality issues at data generating point