Jacob Ashby’s Updates

Discussion Forum: Essential Update #2

Most recently the change experienced by myself both as an instructor and an educator happened during the COVID-19 pandemic. For the institution at which I work, the pandemic forced us to rethink the institutional locations and tools for learning. Luckily, we had started to build the infrastructure prior to the pandemic, but our institution had to transition to fully remote instruction for a year and leverage new technology to record lectures and provide synchronous online instruction. Furthermore, as we transitioned back from the pandemic we had to also learn to teach students who were participating virtually while also balancing those in the classroom. This involved faculty learning to chunk their instruction, learn new technology tools, and understand different instructional tools.

Furthermore, we also had to reconsider the agency for learners and focus on the specific skills needed to be learned as part of the course as opposed to the material students would need to remember at the end of the class. This forced faculty to really reflect on what was the most important things to learn in each course and try to remove any fluff in their courses. While these changes were made directly as a result of the pandemic, many of the skills learned have been incredibly useful as we have transitioned into the "new normal." We have seen most of what was learned help us be more responsive to the needs of globalization, diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as there new ways of learning with technology and the ability to access information at the ready.