Theodore Johnson’s Updates

Overall Course Reflection

Γεια σας! Μου άρεσε πολύ αυτή η τάξη, και είμαι λυπημένος ότι τελειώσει τώρα! Χάρηκα πάρα πολύ να σας γνωρίζω! θα γράψω στα αγγλικά για να γράψω καθώς καθαρά ως μπορεί.

The part of the course that was most helpful to me was the virtual cafes. It was a very comfortable experience and, since I got to meet so many awesome people, very enjoyable. It was nice to be practicing my Greek with other people who were learning Greek as well as with Greek people who were learning English, since we could all share in the experience of not knowing our target language perfectly. I would have been happy to have had even more Zoom meetings as part of the course!

The peer reviews were really helpful for me! I really appreciated the detailed feedback my peers gave. I learned a lot about Greek grammar from what they explained to me.

The different types of annotations (Lexical, Grammar, Mode) weren't particularly helpful to me, either in making reviews of my peers' work or in reading their reviews of my work. Google Translate was really helpful to me in understanding verb conjugations and making agreement between nouns, adjectives, and articles. I also occasionally used WordReference, and for the first section of the brochure I used the translation tool on CGMap.

To be honest, I didn't use the analytics all that much; I'm sorry about that. When I checked them just now it appeared that they weren't fully updated, though I may be wrong.

The translanguaging process worked well for me overall! However, it was especially helpful to hear my Greek peers speaking Greek because I could learn better grammar from what they were saying. I was thinking that it might be nice if there were times at which everyone speaks English as much as possible for the benefit of the Greek students, and times at which everyone speaks Greek as much as possible for the benefit of the American students? But I think it sounds like most of my peers would prefer the translanguing system we used to that system, and the translanguaging system did honestly work pretty well for me. It was nice to not be afraid of making a mistake, and talking about subjects which I didn't know how to talk about in Greek definitely ended up expanding my Greek vocabulary!

Olnancy, thank you so much again for the opportunity to be involved in this amazing course!