Shu Shan Cheng’s Updates

Update 2: IQ test example

There are a number of High IQ Societies in every country, the establishment of the High IQ Societies aims at forming a society of High IQ community. For instance, a High IQ Society normally accepts members who are the top 2% on the applicable IQ tests. The applicate IQ tests cited that the tests could quantify a person's intelligence and capability in reasoning, visuospatial sense, resolving puzzles and problems. 

Actually, I hesitated and took my curiosity to start my first IQ test in life. I searched on the internet and came across the website ( I started a 6-minute quick quiz (to finish 25 questions within 6 minutes), that is to finish 1 question within 14.4s. Eventually, I just finished 15 questions and score 58 percentile (top 42%) in the normal distribution curve. I found the questions included mainly about mathematics, logic, and language. Some sample questions are shown below.

The questions were actually not difficult but would need time to read and to think about the answer, and that was why I ran out of time eventually. It is really hard for a normal person to finish the IQ test in 6 minutes, and I was NOT qualified for joining the High IQ Community. This seems a bit sad to me but my question is: Does this applicable IQ test a reliable screening method? The test may reflect a part of diagnosis upon a person's IQ, the evaluation of a person's full IQ and ability should require more complicated tests. Ireland, K. (2017) summarized the disadvantages of IQ Tests.

  1. The results of the Wechsler test and the Standford-Binet Intelligence Scales may be inconclusive
  2. A person may be discouraged if s/he received a low IQ test score or, s/he may be labeled and harmed by the scores which are indeed not a complete reflection of a person's intelligence and ability.
  3. Traditional IQ tests mainly consist of logical, mathematical and comprehension questions, social skills, innovation & creativity are missed.
  4. People who got high IQ test scores won't automatically achieved good success in life. IQ test scores cannot predict career and socioeconomic success. 

In my opinion, a person's intelligence and ability are really complicated, it is not applicable to represent it with a single IQ score.

Media embedded February 2, 2018