Abdul Bhuiya’s Updates

Week 4 Journal

I liked the comparison of American clinics with African clinics in a video format because it really showed in detail the differences and the room for improvement in African Clinics. I found quite some similarities between the clinics in Sierra Leone and Uganda and the clinics in my home country, Bangladesh, in terms of the way the clinic is organized and the resources available; this helped me to understand the situation better. Given the resources that African clinics have, I felt that the early morning teaching rituals in clinics where physicians teach patients and expectant mothers about benefits and risks of certain lifestyle factors is a very effective method of educating public. African communities do not usually have well developed higher education centers, and even if they do, most people do not end up going there because of social stigma, financial burden or family pressures; so it's best to educate them in context-specific situations which would lead to patients understanding what treatments they are being given and not pay unnecessary visits to the hospital. I also liked the concept of HCD and look forward to learing more about that and apply it to different contexts.